5 short words that can change your life

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According to many researches in the field of social psychology, making very small changes in what we say every day, you can greatly affect their feelings and their behavior. These five words can help change your life for the better.


  1. “Some.” The use of the word “some” instead of “all” or “none” has the ability to objectively assess the situation and not to generalize. For example, the phrase “Some situations in my life, do not like me now” sounds much more realistic (and verifiable) than “I do not have anything good happens.”
  2. “I”. When we say “and” instead of “but” we also open the possibility of dialogue and to avoid unnecessary conflict. For example: “I agree with much of what you say, I would like to clarify the following points …”. Such construction of the phrase gives us the opportunity for feedback and allows you to clear up a lot, and your partner feel that it is heard and valued.
  3. “No”. The skillful use of the word “no” can raise self-esteem and satisfaction with their lives, and to improve relationships with others. For example, when you say “no” to a request to visit the event that you do not need, you show that you value your time – and themselves. Remember that saying “no” to one thing, you say “yes” to something else – for example, free up time to communicate with the necessary and pleasant for you people.
  4. “Thank you.” This word has a brief little immediate positive effect on the rest of your life – and the lives of others. Expressing his gratitude, you form a positive attitude towards life. And when you meet the word “thank you” to compliment this helps nice words “settle down” in your subconscious, that instantly raises your self-esteem.
  5. “I’m sorry.” When you take responsibility for your mistakes, you put in the first place is not your own ego, and the other person and the relationship with him.

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