According to the results of the latest research meditation …

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The impact of meditation on health is quite well understood. Still restless scientific head continue to study the beneficial properties of practices, calming the mind.

So meditation on the results of the latest research:

  1. … Reduces stress levels. In fact, it is even better – the practice of meditation not only mitigates the effects of stress to the body, it reduces the stress response very unpleasant situation. Research physiologists from the University of Virginia in Richmond show that the brains of people who practice the art of concentration, much less react to stressors than those who have never practiced meditation. Care development changes the intensity of activation of emotional centers, which are responsible for the sharp reaction. As a result, control of the reaction itself becomes much easier – and no stress.
  2. … Eliminates the anxiety and depression. Most new study. Last year, the meta-analysts from Johns Hopkins University found that meditation practices as effective in the treatment of symptoms of depression as antidepressant drugs.The study involved 15 people, had never practiced meditation. The pilot course lasted only four days. During this time, participants noted that they became much less anxious and mood all improved markedly.
  3. … Relieves the pain. Amazing ability meditation techniques to relieve pain studied at the University of Wake Forest. Scientists came to the conclusion that just four days of meditation almost half reduce the pain. Attention changes the mechanism of how we perceive the pain and react to it.
  4. … Prevents colds and flu. Attention Practice helps improve immunity. State health study of people older than 50 years have proven that meditation is very effective for the prevention of acute respiratory infections and seasonal flu epidemics. It’s simple – meditation, as we know, reduces the level of stress, which suppresses the protective function of the body.
  5. … Increases the amount of gray matter. So mysterious is the principal part of our nervous system. Gray matter is responsible for memory, intelligence, and even for the ability to think. Kill his cell is quite simple, with the excellent job alcohol, bad ecology and stress. Meditation also increases the amount of gray matter cells. This is indicated by the study, the results of which in 2011 were published in the journal Psychiatry Research. All this means that the regular practice of meditation makes us smarter.
  6. … And even wins Alzheimer’s disease. Meditation is able to slow down the process of degeneration of the brain that lead to Alzheimer’s disease in older people. This conclusion came Rebecca Irwin Wells, an expert from Wake Forest University, compared the brain studies of patients with the first signs of dementia before and after the meditation course.


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