How to improve your concentration?

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According to Ayurveda, manas(mind) is having satva raja and thamo gunas.

A balanced state of these gunas will help the person to be swastha (Healthy).

Any imbalance in these may lead to different psychiatric and psychosomatic diseases.

If the person is having more raja dhosha he will be mostly short tempered and will not be able to concentrate for long time.

In case of tamo dosha, person will not feel energetic and he may get exhausted after a short time.

Satwa guna will help the person to be calm and more focused.

Breathing exercise is the best way to balance our thoughts and mind. You can do them as the morning ritual after fresh bath.

Choose padmasana or any other comfortable posture with spine erected.

Close both eyes and take deep breath and try to concentrate on breathing patterns. Just observe your breathing and make it conscious.   

Include Pranayama and Vrikshasana asana to your practice. That will help you to become more grounded and concentrated.

Each time when you feel distracted, return to observing consciously your breath.

And don’t forget about sattwic diet (vegetables, fruits, cereals) and doing panchakarma treatment at a proper time.


Akhil Kumar, B.A.M.S., private consultant, Kozhikode, Kerala, India

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