How to speed up hair growth with the help of yoga?

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In ancient times, thick and shining hair is considered one of the main advantages of women. In addition, it is just beautiful (after proper hairstyle and good condition of the hair can make a girl more attractive a few times), it is also a powerful source of feminine energy, connecting it with the universe. That is why there is so much to take about a haircut and hair color – is not just a procedure, but a kind of ritual. In men, more prosaic, and it is not necessary to grow long braids, to be filled with power.However, when it comes to rare, weak and lifeless hair, and even worse – to their loss, some men suffer from a purely aesthetic point of view, but the women are energy losses. 

Today the market offers us a lot of different drugs to increase the volume of hair, accelerate their growth and their treatment. But, as a rule, they are expensive and not always solve the problem. Some resort to folk remedies and take care of the hair using herbs. But not everyone knows that contribute to the dynamic growth of hair can yoga!In particular, we are talking about the inverted poses. 

The explanation is quite simple: when every day we are upside down from 5 to 15 minutes, due to gravity increases the flow of blood to the head, that is directly related to hair growth acceleration. The hair may be sparse on the nature or begin to fall in the stress period, but either way, practicing inversion posture, you can dramatically increase their number on his head. 

First of all, remember that inversions are not met in the critical days, during pregnancy or hypertension. Start them desirable after 2 or 3 hours after eating, and in a full practice, they are at the very end before shavasana. Correct execution of inverted asanas  not only affect their performance, but also on your health, so pay special attention to this point.

Which asanas are best suited?


  1. Sirshasana (Headstand). If you are interested in the issue of increasing hair growth, then add in their daily practice of this pose. Since ancient times, it was considered one of the most useful in the whole practice of yoga as a healthy and clean tide of blood to the head has the ability to renew brain cells, making the mind more sharp and clear, but so beautiful hair that is not unimportant. Of course, this is not the easiest asana and body must physically prepared to be able to keep the balance, keep the back straight and not “overwhelm” at the neck.However, if you can not perform the asana independently, use the wall. Approach the wall and put beside it rolled several times a rug or blanket. Get down on your knees, put your elbows on one level, twist your fingers into the lock and put them near the back of the skull surface (do not hold his head in his hands). On the exhale, lift your knees, leaving the toes on the floor, then push off with both feet at the same time and line up in one line, using the wall for insurance. You are in asana as long as it comfortable for you – no need to stand by force. 
  2. Salamba Sarvangasana (Stand on the blades). A simpler option is not as effective as the previous one, but nevertheless effective. Asana relieves stress (which is responsible for hair loss), relieves headache and ensures the flow of blood to the head. Lie on a blanket folded several times, so that the head lying on the floor and your shoulders at the edge of the rug. Push off your feet off the floor and slide them over her head, exposing his hands behind his back. Uprites elbows on the floor and take the vertical position. Here in this asana it is desirable to be as long as possible (from 5-10 minutes or more). It is important not so much the fact that the head is thrown back, but the fact that the blood accumulated at the bottom of the body, will go up.
  3. Ushtrasana (Camel Pose). This is not exactly inverted posture, but it will transport blood, raised Salamba Sarvangasanoy to the head. To do this, kneel, putting them to the width of the pelvis, lean back, and with an open breast grasp hold of the calf. Decayed in the chest and are in this asana for half a minute.  


To enhance the effect of implementation, after the practice can be rubbed into the head of the following mixture for hair growth:


  • take 100-150 ml olive, coconut or castor oil, preheated in a water bath;
  • add the two drops of essential oils of lemon, cinnamon and 2 drops of Tea Tree 1 drop;
  • rub into the scalp, then wrap your head with a plastic bag and a towel;
  • an hour later, rinse with warm water with a natural shampoo.


The result will not come quickly, but in any case will come, so be patient and systematic.Do not be lazy and then you will find not only their own smart hair, but also to enrich the energy. 



Photo: lamise /

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